Looking for a defamation lawyer?
Are you a business owner, professional or individual and someone is publishing comments about you which are untrue or misleading and you are concerned that they will damage your reputation or goodwill? This may amount to defamation and you have rights against that person which our defamation lawyers can help you enforce. We can assist you with protecting your reputation, image and profile and we will take prompt steps to have that person cease publishing defamatory material.
With the advent of social media, now more than ever it has become even more important to protect your reputation, image and profile. At Donnie Harris Law, we understand that building a business or your own reputation has taken hard work and it is something that you want to protect. Our dedicated defamation lawyers will help guide you through the complex area of defamation law. No matter how ‘small’ the issue may be, our team can be trusted to provide you with effective advice about defamation.
What if you receive a letter accusing you of defamation?
If you receive a letter asking you to cease and desist or accusing you of defamation, you should immediately contact our defamation lawyers to discuss how to manage your risks and to deal with the accusations in the letter. Do not ignore the letter and do not attempt to resolve the matter without legal advice.
Contact our defamation lawyers
Contact us today to arrange a consultation with our Defamation Lawyers. We are dedicated, trusted and effective. We have offices in Townsville and Cairns but visit many other areas of Queensland.